GenCon SoCal 2006 wrapup
- 0:32 - I'm back (after a slight delay) from GenCon SoCal in Anaheim.
- 1:09 - This show is a part of the Gaming Podcast Network.
- 1:19 - Couldn't make it to GenCon SoCal? I'll tell what I did there, starting with the show floor.
- 2:26 - I always enjoy the RPG design workshop run by Luke Crane, Jared Sorensen, and John Wick.
- 3:38 - I didn't get to play Weapons of the Gods, but I did get to demo the Firefight rules from Burning Empires.
- 6:56 - Dinner with the Story Games crowd was great fun, as was character creation for Spirit of the Century.
- 8:26 - Saturday morning was my first time through True Dungeon.
- 11:21 - Saturday afternoon now was all about panels, including two on book publishing and one about podcasting (with Chris and Brian from 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction, Mike Montessa from the Godzilla Gaming Podcast, and Eric Burgess from Boardgame Babylon).
- 14:45 - Sunday morning I got to interview Luke Crane for The Voice of the Revolution.
- 15:31 - As the show was closing, four of us sat down for a game of Wellington.
- 17:50 - After that, it was dinner, a lost interview, and the ride home. I have a few final remarks about the convention, and you can look forward to hearing more about Full Light, Full Steam and Passages on future shows.
- 21:59 - This show is also part of the Gaming Broadcast Network.
- 22:07 - Sadly, I have no Spirit of the Century review this time, but if you want more of me, check out episode two of The Voice of the Revolution and episode forty-three of Garrett's Games and Geekiness.
- 23:27 - Help out Robin Laws with the GenCon History Project.
- 24:22 - Help me out by sending me bits to use in the HG,WT promo.
- 25:20 - If you're in the Southern California area, be sure to check out NerdSoCal and the Strategicons.
- 27:21 - Ronin Arts: An undisputed leader in the field of PDF roleplaying supplements.
- 28:08 - And that will do it for today's show.
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-- posted at: 11:36am PST