Improv and Gaming Conversation with Remi Treuer, Part 2
- 0:33 - Today's episode is the second half of my conversation with Remi Treuer of the Durham 3 about improv and roleplaying.
- 1:27 - This show is a member of the Gaming Broadcast Network.
- 1:34
- Having talked about how improv and gaming are different, Remi and I dig
into improv techniques that can be use effectively in roleplaying,
starting with reincorporation and listening.
- 9:33 - We dig into "Yes, And. . ." and the potential problems surrounding it.
- 16:42 - I bring up the issue of sharing cool ideas immediately rather than hoarding them.
- 22:57
- We talk about vastly different role that endowment plays in improv
and gaming, and Remi points out a clever twist on how to use it
- 30:48 - Remi brings up "I'm going to make you
awesome" as a great tool in both improv and roleplaying before we sum
up. I then go off on the new improv format my troupe is trying out and
how it’s a lot like roleplaying.
- 37:29 - With my conversation with Remi concluded, I disclose my plan for recording episode 100 at GenCon. Ryan Macklin of the Master Plan
podcast will be the Master of Ceremonies and Roastmaster. Even if you
can't be there, please send along emails and audio clips to
- 40:59 Speaking of GenCon, next episode will be the pre-GenCon show.
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