Sun, 25 December 2005
Paul wraps up the year and announces plans for Season 2.
Show notes:
Fri, 2 December 2005
Paul talks with Tavis Allison of Behemoth3.
Thu, 1 December 2005
Paul interviews Chris Pramas of Green Ronin Publishing.
Wed, 30 November 2005
Paul interviews Kenneth Hite.
Tue, 29 November 2005
Paul talks with John Wick and Jared Sorensen of Wicked Dead Brewing Company.
Mon, 28 November 2005
Paul interviews Luke Crane of the Burning Wheel.
Sun, 27 November 2005
Paul sits down with Becky Thomas of the Roleplay Workshop.
Sat, 26 November 2005
Paul discusses effects-based systems with Darren Watts of Hero Games.
Fri, 25 November 2005
Paul talks with Ross Jepson, Director of Sales for Steve Jackson Games.
Thu, 24 November 2005
Paul interviews Gabriel Vega of Avalon Game Conventions and the ConQuest series of conventions.
Wed, 23 November 2005
Paul reports from GenCon SoCal and interviews Robert Dougherty from Your Move Games and Patrick Christenson from Seaborn Games.
Show notes: Discuss this episode in the HGWT forum |
Wed, 16 November 2005
Paul bids farewell to Season 1 and solicits listener comments for Season 2.
Fri, 11 November 2005
Paul celebrates #21 by having some friends over to discuss "beer and pretzels" games.
Show notes:
Tue, 1 November 2005
The Shadow Show! Paul reviews Shadowrun 4th Edition, The Shadow of Yesterday, and Conspiracy of Shadows, and gets philosophical about the term "roleplaying game."
Show notes: Discuss this episode in the HGWT forum |
Fri, 28 October 2005
Paul reviews Power Grid (board game) and talks about the issue of "weight."
Show notes: Discuss this episode in the HGWT forum |
Wed, 26 October 2005
Paul goes In The Stack to discuss a trio of supers books and talks about the issue of power in RPGs.
Show notes:
Fri, 21 October 2005
Paul goes on and on about Arkham Horror (board game) and talks about the role of theme in games.
Discuss this episode in the HGWT forum |
Tue, 18 October 2005
Paul returns from vacation with reviews of Pulp Hero and Against the Reich! as well as discussion a slew of other pulp games.
Sat, 15 October 2005
The conclusion of the session.
Show notes: Discuss this episode in the HG,WT forum |
Fri, 14 October 2005
The session itself.
Show notes: Discuss this episode in the HG,WT forum |
Fri, 14 October 2005
Paul introduces his group's second session of Polaris.
Show notes: Discuss this episode on the HG,WT forum |
Fri, 30 September 2005
Paul encourages people to see Serenity and announces a short vacation.
Tue, 27 September 2005
In the latest installment of Confidence Games, Paul talks about how convention games are different from normal RPG sessions. Paul also ask for contributors for the Choose Your Own Fate Project.
Show notes: Discuss this episode on the HG,WT Forum |
Fri, 23 September 2005
Paul reviews Shadows over Camelot.
Show notes: Discuss this episode on the HG,WT Forum |
Tue, 20 September 2005
Paul reviews a six-pack of PDFs from Ronin Arts and goes off on a bit of a rant.
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Fri, 16 September 2005
Paul reviews Tigris & Euphrates (board game) and opens the Have Games, Will Travel store.
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Tue, 13 September 2005
GenCon SoCal makes Paul go Hmmm. . . Meanwhile, Paul crawls In The Trenches to talk about stealing from the real world. And there's old gaming books to be had! Show notes: |
Fri, 9 September 2005
Paul reviews Parthenon: Rise of the Aegean (board game) and talks about card-to-RPG bridge games.
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Tue, 6 September 2005
Paul talks about Gateway 2005, the board games he played there, and the fine art of playing in convention RPGs. Show notes: |
Fri, 2 September 2005
Paul reports on Axis & Allies Miniatures, invites discussion on a good RPG for board gamers, and reviews Carcassonne (board game). Show notes: |
Tue, 30 August 2005
Paul talks about GenCon, introduces two new show segments, and begins the long push through the GenCon RPG review pile.
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Tue, 23 August 2005
Paul talks with noted author and reviewer Kenneth Hite about what's hot at GenCon. |
Mon, 22 August 2005
Paul interviews game designer Robin Laws.
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Sun, 21 August 2005
Paul interviews Jared Sorensen from Wicked Dead Brewing Company. Show notes: |
Sun, 21 August 2005
Paul interviews Matt Snyder from Chimera Creative at GenCon 2005.
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Tue, 16 August 2005
Paul reviews Dogs in the Vineyard (rpg) and heads off to GenCon.
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Fri, 12 August 2005
Paul annouces the HG,WT Logo Design Contest winner, answers listener mail, talks about the show, and reviews Code of Unaris (rpg).
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Tue, 9 August 2005
Paul raves about Ticket to Ride (board game) and challenges all comers.
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Fri, 5 August 2005
Paul answers listener questions, discusses the Diana Jones shortlist, and reviews Amun-Re (board game).
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Sun, 31 July 2005
Paul talks about gaming industry shows going head to head, reviews Secret Tijuana Deathmatch (card game) and Bang! (card game), and introduces the Have Games, Will Travel Logo Design Contest.
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Wed, 20 July 2005
Paul talks about Gloom (card game), San Diego Comic-Con, Mage: The Awakening (rpg), and more.