Interview with Kenneth Hite at GenCon 2007
- 0:37 - I sat down with frequent guest Kenneth Hite at GenCon to talk about what we saw at the show that excited us.
- 1:26 - This show is a member of the Goblin Broadcast Network.
- 1:33 - Ken and I weren't able to do this at GenCon last year, as he was at Ropecon in Finland. He's glad to be back.
- 3:34 - Both of us were tremendously impressed by Jason Morningstar's Grey Ranks, a game about the 1944 Warsaw Uprising.
- 6:12 - Ken got a glimpse at Julia Ellingboe's Steal Away Jordan, a game about slavery in the antebellum American South. I had the opportunity to play in a demo of it, and it deeply affected me as well.
- 10:13 - I tried to pick up The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane from Pinnacle, but it was sold out.
- 11:50 - Neither of us have a had chance to read Monte Cook's World of Darkness or Changeling: The Lost from White Wolf, but they look great.
- 12:49 - Both of us have had a chance to look at Blossoms Are Falling, the newest supplement Burning Wheel supplement, covering Heian-era Japan.
- 13:47 - We talk about the Ashcan Front, using Paul Czege's Acts of Evil as an example.
- 16:09 - Oh yeah, and Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition was announced, but we don't know that much specific about it. That doesn't stop us from speculating.
- 20:33 - Edited by James Lowder, Hobby Games: The 100 Best is a great collection of essays by one hundred game designers about their favorite games. We recommend it, and not just because Ken is one of those hundred.
- 23:58 - Both us were jazzed by different parts of Post-Apocalyptic Hero, the latest Hero System genre book.
- 24:36 - In the quick hits segment we talk about the Pirate's Guide to Freeport, Dirty Secrets, The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries, and Blood and Bronze.
- 27:23 True to form, Ken manages a seamless segue to talk about the forthcoming Trail of Cthulhu before we go.
- 28:42 - Don Dehm from the Parsec Award-winning Pulp Gamer podcast says hello.
- 28:48 - I'll be back next episode with my interview with Monte Cook for Inside the Game Designers Studio.
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