Origins 2007 Round Table with Chris Hanrahan, Fred Hicks, and Kenneth Hite
- 0:38 - Before talking about Origins, I briefly discuss the ENnies. This show, along with The Sons of Kryos, The Godzilla Gaming Podcast, Yog Radio, and Fear the Boot, has been nominated for Best Podcast.
- 4:01 - The Sons of Kryos say hi.
- 4:14 - Chris Hanrahan (of 2d6 Feet In a Random Direction) and I corner Fred Hicks and Kenneth Hite to talk about our time at Origins, starting with our great dinner at the Burgundy Room.
- 7:25 - With that out of the way, Fred gives us the scoop on the Indie Press Revolution booth, while I talk about the joy of giving Luke Crane his Origins Award for Burning Empires. This led to a discussion of this year's voting procedure for the Origins Award and how important activism was.
- 12:08 - Ken talks about carry, Aces and Eights, and Witch Hunter.
- 23:23 - Prompted by Ken, Fred discusses his time at the IPR booth, focusing on Spirit of the Century and Don't Rest You Head. I mention Battlestations in passing, and Ken demands that I put a link to it in the show notes.
- 25:21 - We get Chris to talk about his love for new Battletech products. Drool is involved.
- 28:20 - Jerry Corrick of Adventure Retail and the Source gets serious kudos from Ken for his impressive stock of Cthulhiana and Lovecraft books (including The Kalem Klub and The Monster in the Mirror).
- 32:48 - I talk about playing board games, especially in the Board Room run by the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society. Among them were Zooloretto, Pizza Box Baseball, Lost Valley, and Jenseits von Theben.
- 37:46 - After a brief digression about the glories of the North Market, Fred talks about playing a few after-hours RPGs with Jared Sorensen, and we talk about what makes Origins a great experience (as Ken and I discussed last year).
- 42:14 - Chris and I got to shoot things in TerrorWerks. Ken manages to relate this to the Scandinavian gaming scene and how our hobby is able to adapt and sell a highly-individualized experience. (This is why we invite him on the show.) Fred brings in the Ashcan Front as an example. Eventually this comes around to a discussion of the Origins seminar track.
- 52:48 - Before we go, Chris gives a shout out to the city of Columbus, and we all agree.
- 57:28 - This show is part of the Gaming Broadcast Network.
- 57:34 - I have a few final thoughts on Origins before talking about two projects I've worked on recently, Finis and The Story Games Names Project.
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